It’s easy to point the finger at our partner, friend or family member when things are not going well in the relationship. However, the solution to our problems often lies within ourselves. What an amazing thing to realize and embody! We have the power to create the change we want in our lives. Listen to today’s show to learn how.

In this episode with Hilary Silver we discuss relationship advice topics that include:

  • What is radical responsibility and how to start embodying the practice
  • How we invite people to lie to us
  • The importance of asking ourselves how we’ve contributed to a relationship issue
  • How to create, and more importantly, hold your boundaries
  • Why we get resentful when we don’t fully express ourselves
  • The importance of friendships outside of your romantic relationship
  • And much more!

After 15 years as a successful clinical psychotherapist, Hilary Silver closed her thriving practice in 2017 to launch an online coaching and wellness company that helps smart, single women become just as successful in their love lives as they are in their professional ones. She grew her company into an empire, generating over $13 million in revenue in 6 years, helping thousands of women work through her program with an over 95% success rate.
Hilary’s passion and deep understanding of the root causes of the struggles of her clients helped her develop her signature methodology, rooted in radical responsibility and being centered in self. She now works to educate and inspire everyone to radically change the way they think about themselves so they can live a fully liberated life on their own terms. She lives with her husband, two teenagers, and her dog Lola in Denver, CO.





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