What kind of sponsorship is included in the Business and Premier listings?

The Business listing includes a 30 second advertisement read in one podcast episode per year. The 30 second ad is placed right before the lasting love round (a little over half way through the interview). The Premier listing includes a full sponsorship in one podcast episode per year - a 15 second ad read before the interview and a 60 second ad read right before the lasting love round (a little over half

2017-05-19T08:04:14-04:00May 18th, 2017|

Can I cancel my directory listing?

If you have the Basic listing, you can cancel anytime. There is no contract. If you have the Business or Premier listing, you are obligated to an annual contract. We require an annual contract to guarantee payment for the podcast advertising that is included with those two plans.

2017-05-19T08:05:19-04:00May 18th, 2017|
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