Finances can be a huge area of stress in your relationship. Now more than ever, it’s important to understand your individual relationship with money, and how it can impact your relationships. Listen to today’s show to learn how to deal with money, so it doesn’t negatively affect your relationship.
In this episode, we discuss relationship advice topics that include:
- How to understand your personal relationship with money and communicate this with your partner
- Tools to have productive conversation about finances with your partner
- How to deal with the uncertainty and stress of COVID-19 on your finances and job
- Real tips to deal with job and/or income loss during these times
- And much more!
Adam H. Kol, J.D. is a Couples Financial Counselor. He helps couples make sure that the money conversation doesn’t get in the way, leaving them with more peace, love, and cash! Adam draws on over a decade of experience as a Certified Mediator, Communication Coach, and a former Tax Attorney and Financial Advisor. Adam received his law degree from Duke and a Master’s in Tax Law from NYU.
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Episode Links
3-Step Guide to starting the money conversation with your significant other
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